Muhammad Abdo sings about one of the wonders of the world.. on this date

After an absence of 14 years, the Saudi artist, Muhammad Abdo, returns to sing in front of the Jordanian public, but this time what is new is his singing in the pink city of Petra, south of the capital, Amman, a city that was chosen 11 years ago among the new Seven Wonders of the World.
The “Artist of the Arabs” concert comes within the plan of the Council of Commissioners of the Petra Region Authority, with the aim of increasing the number of tourists and expanding the tourism area within the archaeological site, by holding summer events, and increasing investments and hotel rooms, to provide a different tourist product to the tourist that contributes to prolonging the duration of his stay.

For this reason, the Authority launches the activities of the Heritage Village through the “Kingdom Symphony” show, whose launch coincides with the occasion of Independence Day on May 25th, as it is implemented by musician Haitham Sukkariyeh from the University of Jordan, and the next day the Pink City hosts the Saudi artist, Mohammed Abdo.
The announcement by the Petra Region Authority’s Board of Commissioners of Muhammad Abdo’s participation in the aforementioned ceremony prompted workers in the Jordanian artistic and media community to question his specific choice of singing, in light of the announcement by the Executive Director of the Jerash Festival for Culture and Arts, Ayman Samawi, a month ago, of opening a line of communication with The Saudi singer to sing at the festival for the first time in 44 years.
To date, it has not been confirmed whether or not the “Arab Artist” will participate in the Jerash Festival, but the festival’s management seeks to be one of its stars this year.

Abdo had previously sung in Jordan only three times: the first in 1989 at the “Jerash Festival”, the second in 2003 at a party hosted by a Jordanian hotel, and the third in 2009 at a concert in which the artist Diana Karazon participated with him, and it was held on the stage of the “Arena Theatre”, as part of the activities It was called “Jordan Festivals” at the time.

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