why now? UFOs are back after 32 years in the clearest picture

After 32 years of documenting the incident, photos of UFOs taken by two young men found their way to be published, and in the clearest way, despite the use of relatively primitive cameras, compared to today’s technologies.

In August 1990, two young chefs working at a hotel in Pitlochry, northern England, were walking outside a national park when they noticed something strange: a strange flying saucer.

On the evening of August 4th of that year, after a long hard day’s work at the hotel in Scotland, the two cooks went for a walk in the hills.

Meanwhile, the two of them saw in the sky a huge and solid object in the shape of a diamond, the length of which was about 100 feet.

The camera in the possession of the two chefs was sufficient to document the flight of the flying saucer in the sky of the region, and they say that they took 6 pictures of it until it disappeared from view in the sky.

The two were confident that what was flying in the sky was a UFO, and accordingly they sent the pictures to a local newspaper in Scotland, and the newspaper, in turn, sent the pictures to the Ministry of Defense, according to Sky News Arabia, quoting the British newspaper “Daily Mail”.

The British “Daily Mail” quoted the two chefs as saying that they were terrified, and hid behind the bushes and looked in the direction of this strange matter.

Minutes later, the two chefs heard the sound of a warplane in the place, and it later emerged, according to the newspaper, that the British Air Force sent two Tornado warplanes to the place and were put on standby for 24 hours, to confront what appears to be a Russian penetration of British airspace.

The plane hovered near the “thing” in the air, before continuing its course, and the pilots seemed to take a close look at it, according to the testimony of the two.

There were neither smartphones nor social media platforms, in that period, but there were small cameras, and relatively primitive, compared to today’s technologies.

The two chefs documented the flight of the UFO in 6 photos until it disappeared from view in the sky, but the photos were not published at that time, and found their way to publication after 32 years of documenting the incident.


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