What is the relationship of the pharaohs sinking "Titanic"?

Controversy has always erupted about the pharaohs and their curses that afflicted the trespassers of their mummies and tombs, whether scientists or antiquities thieves, and the results of which lead to death.. The discovery of Tutankhamun’s tomb in 1922 was the beginning of rumors related to those curses.. The controversy also erupted over the mummy of “Amen Ra”, Which is said to be related to the sinking of the famous ship “Titanic”, not to mention that everyone who approaches it paid with his life for it.

Since he was bought in her coffin by a British antiquities collector, he did not live comfortably, and he did not get out of one problem until he entered another, which prompted him to get rid of her, as curses rolled on everyone who approached her, according to “Russia Today”.

The ancient Egyptians had curse texts, as the ancient Egyptian believed and preserved his body in two basic things, namely that his body be placed inside a well, before building a grave for it underground at the end of this well, and then building a pyramid above it to protect it from theft, as texts were written on the walls. To terrorize tomb thieves, as is engraved on the walls of Tutankhamun’s tomb: “Death will strike with its wings whoever threatens the peace and security of the king,” according to Magdy Shaker, chief archaeologist at the Egyptian Ministry of Tourism and Antiquities.

Shaker explained that the ancient Egyptian believed and believed in the curse texts to terrorize thieves, but nothing happened from what was written, and the evidence is that 90% of the tombs of the Pharaohs were discovered, and that curse rumors began to appear with the discovery of Tutankhamun’s tomb in 1922.

The researcher added: “The newspapers were the ones who promoted this after the death of the tomb discoverer, and it was said at the time that a scorpion stung him and died, and this coincided with the blackout in the city, as well as the snake that devoured the golden bird of Carter, the discoverer of the cemetery.”

He added that the coincidence of all these events with each other made people believe that this was due to the curse of the pharaohs, and then the idea began to spread.

Regarding the cover of the mummy “Amen Ra”, he said that there are rumors that he came from Luxor Governorate, where a British man bought it and took it with him to England, but it is said that this man had many problems and decided to sell the coffin for an amount of 4 thousand pounds, and when Receipt of the amount was hit by a car and the buyer was shot by mistake.

He continued, “After that, big problems began to occur for everyone who owns this coffin until it ended up inside the British Museum, but the photographer who went to photograph it to record it inside the museum’s holdings was injured and he and his son died.. It was then said that the British Museum decided to gift it to the American Museum, and it was He placed it inside the contents of the Titanic, and it was said that he was one of the reasons for the sinking of the ship.

He went on to say: “The question here: Why do people fear the coffin of this lady? The answer is that it was said about the lady who owns the coffin that she was a priestess, but there is no information about the location of her tomb or any details about her except that she came from the Luxor area, but this priestess since the coffin was found. It caused a lot of problems, and unfortunately so far we have not found the lid of the coffin, which is said to be in the British or American Museums, and even in the remains of the Titanic there is no trace.”

He concluded: “There is a scientific explanation for the curse of the Pharaohs, which is the presence of stones and minerals inside the tombs of the ancient Egyptians that interact with each other and cause radiation and cause a type of bacteria that enters the lung and causes problems that lead to death, so the cause of death is not taking the necessary precautions and not the curse of the Pharaohs.”


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