To what degree does drinking water contribute to burning belly fat?

Those with unhealthy weights are always looking for ways to help them burn fat in their bodies, and perhaps one of the most prominent fats that they seek to get rid of is belly fat, as it contributes visually directly to the protrusion of their belly under their clothes, which makes them inconsistent in their general appearance.

Water, according to what nutrition experts recommend, is a common solution for all slimming and diet programs. It is always recommended to drink it in quantities between 6 to 8 cups per day, in addition to the possibility that water is an essential element in drinks and foods that are consumed during the day, according to the “Eat” website. This Not That” health.

A nutritional study published by the Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism advises drinking a glass of water before eating any meal, as drinking water increases energy expenditure by 30%, as one glass of water helps fill the stomach.

Water can also be used to make vegetable soup such as spinach, watercress, and cabbage. These foods help reduce visceral fat in the abdomen, as they contain elements such as: vitamins C and K, magnesium, calcium, and fiber.

Caffeine drinks made with water contribute to raising the level of alertness, cognitive function and metabolism, and thus to weight loss, as caffeine increases fat burning.

Nutritionists advise those who suffer from excessive obesity to drink green tea, which is full of antioxidants that contribute to burning belly fat. They also recommend combining a source of protein with any type of carbohydrate, to feel full well in advance of the main meal time.

Intra-abdominal visceral fat is found within the peritoneal cavity, and is packed between the internal organs and the torso, unlike subcutaneous and intramuscular fat. Visceral fat is composed of several adipose depots including mesenteric fat, epididymal white adipose tissue and perirenal fat.

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