Kendall Jenner.. irresistible attraction in the heart of the American desert

Vintage cars and brightly colored Pontiacs are at the forefront of the Valerie Messika 2023 advertising campaign, inspired by the world of American cinema, starring the famous supermodel Kendall Jenner and the famous dancer and actor Elton Mason.

The creative director of the house coordinated contemporary jewelry, combining different colors and designs, drawing inspiration from several sources of inspiration, and exploring colors.

… a journey of freedom:

The collaboration between Kendall Jenner and Messika continues with a photo shoot that honors the young supermodel’s obsession with American cars.

“Kendall has a natural, seductive presence in front of the camera. She imposes herself with one look. She also embodies values ​​that are in harmony with us as a jewelry house: she is a successful, self-confident woman, at peace with the times. Herein lies the strength of Maison Messika, which keeps pace with the times.”. Valerie Messika, Creative Director For Messika House.

An impressive meeting in a different atmosphere:

The harsh, arid desert contrasts beautifully with latex, gold, and diamonds, while Pontiac cars add a distinctive retro touch with their bright colors and leather-and-velvet interiors. This contrast contributes to the establishment of a calm and eye-catching atmosphere, as the American desert is the most beautiful backdrop for the Messika jewelry display.

D-VIBES Collection:

D-Vibes hugs the body, like an extension of the skin. Modern and striking cuts add a creative twist to the traditional “riviere” design of diamonds. Gold and diamonds contrast in jewelry pieces that impose a new rhythm in the world of jewelry.

Blue and black.. Inspired by superheroes in global fantasy films:

Black latex, velvet, blue and big bows evoke the atmosphere of global fantasy movies, where Kendall Jenner and Elton Mason impose their presence in the desert in shots that pulsate with gravity. Kendall is inspired by the free and independent heroine of the fictional character Catwoman, or the character “Trinity”, from the movie “The Matrix”.

MOVE group:

Valerie Messika reintroduces the “Move” bracelet in an elegant version suitable for both women and men, combining iconic design with contemporary character. The bracelet came in its new look, inspired by the famous “Move” decoration, with a strong and striking chain.

  • Kendall Jenner.. irresistible attraction in the heart of the American desert

Violet beyond description.. Inspired by science fiction films:

Between reality and imagination, a painting appears in shades of violet, oscillating between the atmosphere of the past and the future. The play of color, materials and latex in captivating violet transport Kendall to a dark dystopia of the future. This scene evokes Hollywood science fiction films, such as: “Blade Runner 2049” or “Welcome to Gattaca”.

Here, the creative director of the house puts her distinctive mark, revealing a touch of mystery. The beautiful heroine, Kendall Jenner, shines with pieces of luxury jewelry, “Move Iconica”, including the bracelet inspired by the pharaohs, which testifies to Messika’s exceptional ability to combine many styles in her jewelry. 

“This new collaboration is an obvious extension of the partnership with Messika. I love old American cars, so I enjoyed the legendary vintage atmosphere during the shoot. Imagine the magnificence of this scene.. Beautiful jewelry and unique cars in an American setting par excellence!”.. Kendall Jenner.

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