How did Harry's book strain William's relationship with Kate Middleton?

Reflections on the book released by Prince Harry, titled “Spear” (The Alternative), began to go in completely unexpected directions, as reports from the United Kingdom indicated that this book caused great tension in the relationship between Prince William and his wife, Princess Kate Middleton.

It is said that the relationship between the two princes is going through its most difficult stage today, after Kate felt that her husband did not defend her properly in the face of Harry’s book, which revealed many secrets and stories that go on behind the scenes in the life of the royal family.

And according to what the “Radar Online” website quoted, according to an insider, that William and Kate’s relationship is in a dangerous stage, especially since the Princess of Wales does not see that her husband defended and protected her as required, after the book targeted her directly.

“Kate felt that William should protect her more,” Radar quoted the insider as saying, adding: “However, William and the palace thought it was best not to say anything.

This person claims that the situation reached the couple exchanging insults and insults behind closed doors, which confirms the strong influence of the book on their lives, with their keenness not to show anything in front of the public, as they always appear as an ideal royal couple, when they are outside.

In a related context, it has become known that another book called “Golden Youth… An Intimate History of Growing Up in the Royal Family”, by author Tom Quinn, will be published soon, and will deal with the relationship of the two Princesses of Wales in a large and detailed manner.

Describing the turmoil experienced by Kate and William’s marital relationship, the author of this book said: “Not everything is sweet,” indicating that they are permanently surrounded by assistants in the palace, which makes these assistants who are present around the clock able to distinguish the prince’s discomfort, through a method Talk to Kate.

Returning to the book “Spare”, one of the most important secrets he revealed was that quarrel that occurred between the two brothers, William and Harry, after which the first pushed his younger brother to the ground, due to a discussion that took place between them about Meghan Markle, and it was said that William described Megan as ” Difficult and insolent”, which evoked an immediate response from Prince Harry, which later developed into the current Prince of Wales pushing the Duke of Sussex and dropping him to the ground.

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