Did Prince Harry and Meghan Markle refuse to attend the king's coronation?

All reports from the United Kingdom confirm that the Duke and Duchess of Sussex, Prince Harry and his wife Megan Markle, received an official invitation to attend the coronation ceremony of King Charles III, but they refused to confirm whether or not they would attend this historic event.

A spokesperson for the couple said they had received email correspondence from the king’s office regarding the coronation, and their decision about attending would not be disclosed at this time.

And many media speculations indicate that the couple will most likely reject this invitation, as the level of tension between them and the royal family is still very high, especially with all the news that Harry has completely cut off his relationship with his older brother, Prince of Wales, William.

Although the same reports confirm that King Charles is very keen to reconcile with his youngest son, at the same time they are highly suspicious of Prince William’s intentions towards his brother, and confirm that he does not want to see him at the coronation ceremony, especially since he is the person who has been repeatedly targeted in the coronation ceremony. Harry’s last diary, which bore the name “Spear” or the alternative.

Reasons for Harry and Megan’s hesitation

Perhaps the most prominent reason that prompts the royal couple to apologize for attending the coronation is their knowledge that their popularity has declined significantly in the United Kingdom, and that they have become a target for ridicule from the public, and a new poll conducted by Newsweek magazine showed that Harry and Megan’s approval rating has decreased a lot in America as well

But this is not the only reason that may push both the Duke and Duchess to refuse to attend the coronation, as the birthday of their fourth child, Archie, falls on the same day as the ceremony, and therefore their presence at the king’s coronation ceremony implies that they do not celebrate the anniversary of their son’s birth.

In addition to the two previous reasons, which are the most prominent, Harry’s security concerns may play a major role in the failure of the prince and his wife to attend the coronation ceremony. The duke frequently asked, and in previous times, to receive protection from the armed police, whenever he and his family returned to Britain, and he had previously taken legal action against The Ministry of the Interior for refusing to grant him this protection, and he registered an official lawsuit in this matter.

It is expected that this case will be presented to the Supreme Court in early April, but it is not certain that Harry will obtain a ruling on it before the coronation ceremony of his father Charles, which will be held on the sixth of May, and therefore the lack of protection that the prince wants may be a reason to prevent him from attending.

In conclusion, it is believed that the invitation that Harry received and his connection to him through official means through the palace, and was not directly from his father, as he believes that the relationship between them is still largely lukewarm, and this matter may constitute another reason for not attending, due to Harry feeling insulted by not being invited by his father directly. .

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