A doctor reveals shocking information about the danger of electronic cigarettes

Many people believe that e-cigarettes are the best way to reduce the risks of regular cigarettes, but reality and studies indicate otherwise. E-cigarettes carry the same traditional ingredients, their harms, and the same risk of addiction, so that quitting smoking through them becomes a psychological illusion, nothing more.

And Dr. Vyacheslav Svetlakov, a chest specialist, announced that smoking electronic cigarettes can lead to severe damage to the lungs and even death.

In an interview with the “Izvestia” newspaper, the specialist points out that smoking electronic cigarettes has irreversible consequences, including damage to the lungs, lung cancer and death. According to Russia Today.

According to him, the liquids used in electronic cigarettes contain harmful impurities that cause damage to the lungs. For example, the diacetyl flavor leads to the development of a dangerous disease – bronchiolitis obliterans, which is very difficult to treat.

There is another disease called “Vapers’ disease”, which is the most serious non-infectious damage to the lungs and can lead to death.

And he says: “This deadly effect is associated with the presence of vitamin E and THC, as well as formaldehyde, acetaldehyde, arsenic and a number of metals (aluminium, antimony, cadmium, cobalt, chromium, copper, iron, lead, manganese, nickel, selenium, tin and zinc), which damage the lungs and can lead to the development of diseases and tumors.” .

And the specialist points out that giving up smoking electronic cigarettes in a timely manner can help remove these consequences. However, to fully recover from it takes a long period of time.

In addition to all this, the impact of e-cigarettes on health has not been fully studied yet.

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