What is the effect of complete abstinence from eating sugar on your health?

Dr. Yelena Tikhomirova, a Russian nutritionist, announced that those wishing to lose excess weight should completely abandon the consumption of sugar, according to what was published by the “Russia Today” website.

The specialist indicated, in an interview with the newspaper “Izvestia”, that the sudden and complete abandonment of sugar will not lead to any negative consequences for health.

She says, “If a person who wants to lose weight completely and suddenly gives up sweets, nothing bad will happen to him at all, because giving up sugar is not as bad as completely giving up psychotropic substances, because when a person gives up addictive psychotropic substances, It suffers from a crisis of abstinence from these substances. But if a person suddenly stops eating sweets, they will not suffer from this crisis and there will be no serious health consequences.”

“If a person wants to lose weight, it is not necessary to completely give up sweets. Because currently, “alternative sweets” are sold in stores, which are made of carbohydrates that are not absorbed by the digestive system and contain sugar substitutes.


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