The influx of super-rich tourists to Dubai

The British “Euromonitor International”, which specializes in market research, has monitored a remarkable recovery in the tourism sector in Dubai 2022, and explained that luxury hotels were faster and more revitalized than medium hotels and hotels for people with limited budgets, which reflects a rise in the flow of ultra-rich tourists to visit Dubai.

In a report that monitored the performance of tourism activity in the country since the beginning of this year, she said that the country’s hotels have witnessed, since the beginning of the year, a remarkable recovery in occupancy rates, especially in Dubai, against the background of “Expo 2020 Dubai”, and the subsequent huge global events that Dubai returned to organizing strongly. Throughout the year.

The report said that the tourism sector witnessed a strong recovery during the current year, against the backdrop of a strong return in demand to visit the country, after the imposition of travel restrictions in various countries of the world since the outbreak of “Covid 19” in early 2020.

He stated that the tourism and travel sector in the country recorded strong growth since the beginning of the year, and that the first building block in this growth was specifically set by Dubai since the end of 2021, when it eased many of the restrictions that were imposed on various aspects of its activity and public life due to “Covid 19”, while ensuring commitment to Preventive measures to prevent the spread of the pandemic, as well as a program of mandatory vaccination with protective vaccines.

He added that this building was actually strengthened with the start of the “Dubai Expo” in early October and the continuation of its activities over a period of 6 months, to be the first event of its kind in the region.


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