How does Omega 3 deficiency affect the body?

Omega-3 fatty acids are essential nutrients for the body, which are found naturally in many foods, such as nuts, fatty fish, olive oil and flax seeds.

And there are signs that the body may issue, indicating that it needs more omega-3 acids, according to the “Healthline” website.

Signs of omega 3 deficiency in the body
1- Dry skin Dry skin
does not always indicate a lack of water, but also warns of a lack of omega 3 acids in the body, as it is one of the healthy fats that the skin needs, to stay moist, supple and smooth, and completely free of acne and infections.

2- Depression
The lack of omega-3 acids in the body has negative effects on mental health, as it causes mood swings, which may sometimes develop into depression.

3- Dry Eyes
Omega 3 acids not only help moisturize the skin, but also contribute to moisturizing the eyes, so you get dehydrated when their levels in the body are low.

4- Joint pain
Older people usually suffer from joint pain, because with age, the synovial fluid decreases, which prevents them from rubbing, but the pain worsens when omega-3 acids are deficient in their bodies.

5- Hair breakage and hair loss
Omega-3 acids are of great importance to hair health, as they help moisturize it, increase its density, protect it from falling and appear shiny.

Therefore, a lack of omega-3 in the body leads to hair loss and hair loss.

Sources of Omega 3 Omega 3
fatty acid is found in many foods, most notably the following:

Fish, especially salmon, tuna, and sardines.
Vegetable oils, such as: flaxseed oil, soybean oil.
Fortified foods, such as: some types of eggs, yogurt, juices, and milk.

It should also be noted that the concentration of acids in fish is affected by the following factors:

the quality of its food.
The area of ​​its growth and life, such as: fish farming facilities, or its natural environment such as seas and rivers.
The part that is eaten from the body of the fish.
fishing season.


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