How do you know if eggs are still safe to eat?

Eggs are considered a superfood for good reason, as they contain a large amount of nutrients that the body needs, including protein, omega-3 fatty acids, vitamin D and vitamin B12, and they are loved by everyone.
Despite our collective love for eggs, shortages in their production, along with inflation and the high costs of purchasing them, have made this favorite food a more expensive commodity, so when you buy fresh eggs, you definitely want to get the most out of them and ensure they stay fresh for a longer period.
But how long do eggs stay fresh, and how do you know if the eggs have gone bad? Read on to find the answers to these questions.

How long do eggs last?
Eggs have a fairly long shelf life if kept refrigerated at or just below 40 degrees Fahrenheit, and raw eggs can last three to five weeks fresh.
But remember that you must pay attention to three things on the carton of eggs that you buy, which are the date of packaging, the date that it is preferable to use before it, and the date of sale or expiration.
The “pack” date refers to the day the eggs were packed in their original carton, while the “best before” date tells you how long the eggs can be expected to maintain their Grade A quality status, which is roughly 28 to 35 days after being packed. It is safe to eat eggs before their expiry date, while the expiration date refers to the last day the eggs are expected to stay good.

How do you know that eggs are out of date?
Before adding a carton of eggs to your cart, open them up and check for cracks in the shell. Even if you see a hairline break on the outside of the egg, keep in mind that the carton is not salvageable and don’t take it home. Other visual cues include On the presence of a bad batch of raw eggs inside the shell sticky or powdery surface

You can also check the freshness of an egg by testing its buoyancy. If after dropping the raw egg into a bowl of cold tap water (carefully) you notice that it floats, it is probably old.
Perhaps the easiest sign to tell if they are good or not is the smell. Rotten eggs have a pungent sulfur-like smell, so if the eggs smell funky, it’s time to get rid of them.

Tips to keep eggs fresh

Here are some recommendations to help preserve eggs: 
1. After buying eggs from the grocery store, bring them home and put them in the fridge as soon as possible. Do not leave it for 2 hours or more at room temperature.
2. Avoid placing eggs in the refrigerator door, as this makes them prone to cracking, and this area tends to be a little warmer, which can lead to accelerated “aging” of eggs while depleting their quality.
3. Keep the eggs in the carton they came in, as these containers are designed to reduce water loss and reduce the absorption of other food flavors in the refrigerator, which may negatively affect the taste quality of eggs.

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