Healthy foods that replace drugs in the treatment of depression

Modern studies and research still reveal in our time the importance of the wisdom said by ancient Arab doctors and sages, which is “prevention is better than cure”.

In a recent study, the results of which were published in the journal “Myself”, a group of researchers revealed the benefits of some foods in the prevention of mental illnesses, especially depression, or in treating or alleviating the symptoms of this mental illness.

A recent Australian study, conducted by Deakin University in Melbourne, found that changing the diet and moving from fast food to healthy foods has a positive effect on patients, as after three months, patients’ depression symptoms decreased significantly.

With an unhealthy diet lacking nutrients for the body, these elements affect neurotransmitters to obtain positive emotions and produce happiness hormones.

Foods that are high in amino acids, minerals, potassium, magnesium, B vitamins, vitamin D or omega-3 fatty acids affect the mood of a person, according to the German DW channel.

Here are six foods that doctors and nutritionists recommend including in a healthy diet to protect against depression or relieve its symptoms:

Salmon : Nutrition experts describe salmon as a natural “anti-depressant.” This type of fish is rich in Omega 3, Vitamin B6 and B12, and this type of fish naturally makes one in a better mood.

Bananas : Potassium and tryptophan are two nutrients found in abundance in banana fruits, and they are considered mood-improving factors and help in the secretion of happiness hormones. So if you eat this perennial fruit, you may protect yourself from depression.

Yogurt : Foods that contain “probiotics” such as yogurt stimulate the intestinal flora. In this context, researchers have found that gut bacteria are responsible for our mood. The better the intestinal flora, the happier we are.

Eggs : Vitamin D. What is in eggs has a positive effect on depression. Mushrooms, hard cheese and fatty fish also contain a lot of vitamins.

Hot peppers : Hot spices release endorphins, which are the hormones of happiness. These happiness hormones relax and improve mood in the long run. Other types of peppers or hot peppers also have the same effect.

 Beetroot : Beetroot contains folic acid, which promotes the production of feel-good hormones. These hormones have a positive effect on fatigue and insomnia. Spinach, asparagus, and various legumes also contain a lot of folic acid.


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