Breakfast is one of the most important meals people eat during the day, as it is the main meal that gives the body energy and serves as the fuel needed for daily activity, whether physical or mental.
Because this meal is so important, we must choose well what we will eat after hours of fasting in order to avoid stomach upsets.
According to Gregorio Varela Moreras, president of the Spanish Nutrition Foundation and professor of nutrition at San Pablo University, breakfast should provide between 20% and 25% of the body’s daily energy needs, and it includes 3 basic food groups, including dairy, grains and fruits, and a fourth group includes Extra virgin olive oil, eggs, coffee and honey.” In the same context, there are some foods that are not recommended to be eaten on an empty stomach, which may be the reason for the discomfort we may feel after eating them.
Some foods to be careful not to eat on an empty stomach:
1- Soft drinks or soda
Drinking too many carbonated drinks “irritates the gastric mucosa and increases hydrochloric acid production.”
2- pastries
It is one of the most common foods in breakfast and it is recommended to stay away from it because it contains fats that stimulate the secretion of stomach acid.
3- white bread
Eating refined carbohydrates (such as white bread) on an empty stomach leads to a rapid rise in glucose and insulin levels, which drop shortly thereafter and cause a feeling of hunger that leads us to eat more.
4- Coffee and tea
Caffeine and theanine stimulate stomach acid production. Therefore, it is not recommended to take these drinks if the person suffers from acidity problems.