Foods that cleanse the body of nicotine and enhance the chances of quitting smoking

Quitting smoking is undoubtedly not easy, but health experts believe that eating more vegetables and fruits increases the chances of success

The following are foods that clean nicotine from the body, reported by the DW channel on the German websites of “Gesundheit Heit” and “Gesund Liben”.

Dark green vegetables

The scientific study confirmed that folic acid limits the effect of nicotine on the pancreas and that folic acid reduces the harmful effect of nicotine on the body.

Spinach, green cauliflower (broccoli) and other dark green vegetables, such as cabbage and cabbage, contain a high amount of folic acid, which explains their effective role in cleaning the body of nicotine.

Vitamin C”

Vitamin C helps to clean the body of nicotine, and many laboratory tests have shown the effect of this vitamin on neutralizing the toxic properties of nicotine.

When talking about vitamin C, some people believe that oranges are the richest source of this vitamin, but the amount of this particular vitamin in peppers, especially yellow ones, exceeds that found in oranges.


Pomegranate may be a citrus that is not as popular as other citrus fruits, but a recent study showed that drinking one liter of its juice increases how quickly the body gets rid of nicotine by 88 percent.

But beware: Drinking this large amount of grapefruit juice should be done after consulting a doctor for those who suffer from chronic diseases and are taking medications that may lead to a negative effect.

cranberry juice

Among the factors that determine the rate of metabolism of nicotine in the body is the acidity of the urine. High pH speeds up the removal of nicotine from the blood.

The pH of cranberry juice ranges between 2.3 and 2.5, which is more than the pH of grapefruit juice, which makes it more effective in cleaning the body of nicotine.


Ginger helps to get rid of the familiar symptoms of nicotine withdrawal such as nausea, in addition to that eating ginger relieves severe hunger, which appears when trying to get rid of nicotine. It also reduces toxins in the blood due to nicotine.

To get the full effect of ginger, health experts advise eating it three times a day.

Green tea

Nicotine is known to dehydrate the body, which makes it important to drink plenty of water. Drinking water with some healthy fluids is the best way to flush out nicotine and cleanse the body. Here, health experts advise to drink more green tea, because it is rich in antioxidants.

blue sapphire flower

This herb is known for its ability to help those who want to quit smoking, as it contains belin, which has an effect similar to the effect of nicotine on the nervous system, but without causing addiction.

It is worth noting that nicotine remains in the blood for about eight days, and a large part of it is subsequently expelled through the urine. The remaining amount of nicotine undergoes metabolism, and produces a substance known as cotinine. This substance can remain in the body for a whole month after smoking the last cigarette.


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