Dubai is one of six new global destinations for residents

Bloomberg News Agency described Dubai as one of six cities in the world that has become the main destinations for expatriates and resident employees from all over the world, after the attractiveness of some of the traditional main destinations for residents, such as Hong Kong and Singapore, has declined due to a number of factors, including cases of Border closures and restrictions on movement in these key destinations due to the outbreak of the “Covid 19” pandemic, geopolitical tensions, and price hikes in light of the current global inflation wave.

In its report, Bloomberg touched on Dubai, stating that it has been challenging Hong Kong and Singapore in attracting residents for more than a decade. The report indicated that Dubai’s popularity in the face of Hong Kong and Singapore as a new destination to attract expatriates has increased strongly during the past two years, after the outbreak of “Covid 19” and the escalation of geopolitical tensions in Europe. 

The report added that Dubai has invested billions of dollars in establishing a future infrastructure to create a future city. 

The report included an interview with Bernard Hank, a partner in an investment fund headquartered in London, but Hank moved to Dubai after the outbreak of “Covid 19”, to join a growing number of experts and professionals in the financial sector who moved to Dubai after the outbreak of the pandemic, to benefit from From easing restrictions on movement in Dubai without relentless in imposing preventive measures. 

“Dubai has handled the pandemic very well,” Hank said. I am now thinking of moving to Dubai permanently and buying a property there.” 

Hank added: “I would like to leave for Dubai, perhaps in the long run. I have to make a decision on this.” 

The Bloomberg report stated that the other five destinations other than Dubai are the Portuguese capital Lisbon, the Mexican capital Mexico City, the Malaysian Kuala Lumpur, the Indian city of Bengaluru and the Brazilian Rio de Janeiro.


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