Doctor Strange tops American box office

the first three days since its release, “Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness” has topped the North American box office, according to provisional figures published by Examiner Relations.Sorry, the video player failed to load.

And reached $ 185 million in revenue from Friday to Sunday, “Doctor Strange”, the sequel to the adventures of the red-cloaked wizard and the role of the “Marvel” superhero, in which the British actor Benedict Cumberbatch. Thus, the film, which explores parallel worlds, leaves nothing but crumbs for the competing works.

Thus, “Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness” has become the second highest-grossing film since its launch since the beginning of the pandemic, behind “Spider-Man: No Way Home”, which also chose parallel worlds and earned $ 260 million in 2021.

The success of “Doctor Strange” showed that the box office turned the page of the pandemic and began to recover, as the film achieved more than ten times more revenue than the end of the same week last year

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