Dubai’s architectural icons inspire world cinema

Burj Khalifa in "Elemental", the new "Pixar" movie

Dubai’s architectural icons have become scenes present in international cinema, and they have even become an inspiration for many films and works, which take into account, from the moment of the start, the opportunity to film scenes in Dubai, and invest their architectural icons in creating a dazzling image.

Hence, if you saw the Burj Khalifa in the promotional clip for the movie “Pixar” animation studio, you are not alone, and this is not a coincidence, as the animation artists in “Pixar” draw their inspiration from all over the world to make their movie “Elemental”, which It will be shown in cinemas across the Middle East starting from June 15th. The appearance of the Burj Khalifa in the film “Elemental” itself is a celebration of this famous building, according to the American magazine “Exwire”.


As shown in the promotional clip, the film “Elemental” by the “Pixar” studio, produced by the “Disney” group, takes us to distant worlds and innovative concepts. Its events take place in a world in which the elements of nature, water, fire, air and earth, live with each other, where we see their mixing together, and how two discordant elements meet, and fire falls in love with water.

Director Peter Schon wanted to divide the city of Element into communities with different elements, so production designer Don Schenk was tasked with finding inspiration from around the world to create the city in all its thriving complexities. The latter designed the water first, as the water people were the first to settle in the city and build its basic infrastructure.

In his search for inspiration, Schenck said, “We were looking at big cities around the world, especially those that depend on canal systems like Venice and Amsterdam.” From water, the designer moved on to building each element after that—earth, air, and fire.

Regarding the final design, Schenk said: “It is not supposed to be a melting pot of elements, as our desire is not to create this homogeneous world, but we wanted to celebrate all these different cultures and personalities.

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