Ben Affleck talks about his relationship with Jennifer Lopez...and clarifies these facts

Since their marriage was officially announced, their relationship has always been a preoccupation of the international press, which has always published reports about the tension in their lives, the entry of problems between them, and the coldness of their old love.
In the details, the lives of the two stars Ben Affleck and Jennifer Lopez are not absent from the news at all, and analyzes of the looks between them abound, and are interpreted as anger and reproach, and several reports have been published stating that Affleck and Lopez’s relationship is at stake.

However, the last interview, in which Ben Affleck appeared, definitively blew up all these stories, and he answered clearly about the two songs that Lopez dedicated to him, and the international actor also took the opportunity to express his feelings towards his wife, and to admit his great admiration for her.
And about the two songs that bore his name, Affleck said: “The two songs that spoke about me were written by Jennifer Lopez, the greatest artist in the history of the world.”
And he considered that Jennifer was inspired by these two songs from two stages in their relationship, namely the first stage of their love and their current relationship, and that they talk about the stages of time, and not about him personally.
These two songs are: “Dear Ben,” which the New York-born Puerto Rican star wrote on her album This is me.. Then, and the other, “Dear Ben part II,” will be part of her new album, This is me.. Now.

Affleck is happy despite what is said:
Ben Affleck confirmed that he is very happy with his relationship with Jennifer, and that there is no reason for him to resent her, despite all those reports that interpreted his facial expressions, and indicated the presence of signs opposite to what he says, in addition to the spread of video clips, which were analyzed with a crack Between him and the famous singer.
Affleck explained these clips by saying that some deliberately take pictures and videos of him while he is in a bad mood, and they are circulated quickly on the Internet, and these pictures cannot reflect the reality of his life and feelings, as he lives a very happy life.
Affleck blames the spread of these clips of him on the cameras that deliberately take some pictures out of context, in addition to the presence of dozens of cameras that follow him wherever he goes and travels, and however he sits and moves, which gives her the opportunity to take some expressions of him, and start promoting them as indicating his bad relationship with him. his wife.
Affleck said: “The picture in isolation looks like this: Look at this unhappy man, but in reality, I’m very happy. I’ve got a good life, I’m very lucky. Notwithstanding the sign, maybe my resting face leaves something to be desired.”

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