Because of his crises, Kanye West is missing and has no address

For months, the American rapper, Kanye West, has been living in the midst of a storm of financial issues, as a result of his actions with some of the companies contracting with him, but it seems that the American star has entered a new phase in terms of the type of cases brought against him, as the most recent of which was the establishment of his business manager, Thomas St. John. , by asking the authorities to search for him because he has disappeared and cannot be found. 

In the details, the American businessman, who was running one of Kanye’s companies, filed a legal claim in court, in which he said that he had not been able to find the famous rapper for weeks, and that he was playing with him a “game of cat and mouse”, and could not find him anywhere, And he needs to find him in order to send him the necessary legal documents, regarding the case related to breaching the terms of the agreed employment contract, meaning that Thomas cannot proceed with his lawsuit, in which West demands to pay approximately $ 4.5 million, as long as Kanye evades From receiving the notification of the lawsuit, either directly or through other means. 

Thomas noted that he can’t find a legitimate address for the rapper, since Kanye has been living a nomadic life for months, traveling here and there and doesn’t really have a home base. 
 Thomas also asked the court to extend the case in time, in order for him to be able to complete the procedures for submitting documents, since Kanye does not have a lawyer to accept them on his behalf, in addition to that attempts to send documents by mail to three personal addresses of the American singer have all been unsuccessful

Regarding the details of the dispute between Thomas and West, the latter was scheduled to pay the monthly attorney fees to his business manager, but the rapper retracted his decision as a result of some differences between them. 
 Because of what his former business manager said, many rumors circulated about the American singer on social media, which indicated that he was “missing in mysterious circumstances.” A hip-hop musician wrote a tweet, in which he said: “Kanye West is missing.” He has not been found for weeks, according to his former manager.

2 Comment

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    В средние века проституция считалась неизбежным злом, и христианские власти терпели ее, поскольку считали, что она помогает сдерживать распространение венерических заболеваний, предоставляя выход естественным побуждениям людей.

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  2. Идея проституции старая. Проституция — это форма сексуальной эксплуатации, которая существует уже много столетий. Слово «проститутка» происходит от латинского слова prostituta, что означает «предлагать себя для беспорядочного полового акта».

    В Древнем Риме проституток называли лупами, и они часто были рабынями. Они продавали себя в тавернах и гостиницах одиноким мужчинам или большим толпам на таких мероприятиях, как Римские игры.

    В средние века проституция считалась неизбежным злом, и христианские власти терпели ее, поскольку считали, что она помогает сдерживать распространение венерических заболеваний, предоставляя выход естественным побуждениям людей.

    Впервые платить кому-либо за секс в Англии стало незаконным в 1885 году, когда британский парламент принял закон под названием «Закон о сводных законах (уличных правонарушениях) 1885 года», в соответствии с которым вымогательство или приставание к преступлению наказывалось

    Проститутки метро Ломоносовская

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