The cat "Larry" Is the first to receive a Terrass at the British government headquarters

For more than a decade, Larry the cat, his official nickname “The First Mousetrap”, has been following the work of British prime ministers in silence, but sometimes silence is not a sign of satisfaction.

During this period of time, Larry “goodbye” three heads of government, and became eligible to welcome the fourth prime minister, Mrs. Liz Terrass, the former foreign minister, who was elected by the Conservative Party as the new head of the British government to succeed Boris Johnson.

In a tweet on his unofficial account, which is managed on his behalf, Larry says, “Like all heads of government, any prime minister resides as a mere temporary resident in 10 Downing Street,” which is the name the British give to the Cabinet headquarters, and adds, “As for me, I live here normally.” permanent, and when the prime minister leaves the seat of government at the end of his term, I will remain in place.”

This gray cat with black stripes has given Britons a measure of stability amid the political turmoil that has erupted since former Prime Minister David Cameron brought him to Westminster in 2011 from the Battersea Dog and Cat Shelter.

Since Larry the cat has come to Government House, “gifts and treats” have been poured into 10 Downing Street daily.

The popular interest in the cat Larry is partly due to the cats he inherited for the love of show, which made him steal attention and attention from the pioneers of the seat of government, as he used to sit in front of the entrance to the government headquarters, which often witnesses newspaper and television photographers lining up with cameras, waiting for politicians to leave the meetings held inside.

He pushes the policemen guarding the building to open the door for him, to chase flocks of pigeons, or to lie idle on a window sill basking in the sunshine, which is often a welcome step on the part of journalists, temporarily keeping them away from the preoccupation of following up on the statements of politicians. After the meetings.

Larry is more than just a popular pet, as his Twitter account, which is operated on his behalf, attracts nearly 650,000 followers.
And this account has more followers than the account of both the contenders to succeed Boris Johnson, former Secretary of State Liz Truss and former Treasury Secretary Rishi Sunak.

The British Conservative Party elected Liz Terrace as the new leader of the party, and thus the new head of government, and observers expect that Terrace will face many economic problems, the most important of which are high inflation and the cost of energy bills.

On the other hand, no one knows who manages the cat Larry’s Twitter account on his behalf, but his success is not surprising, according to the person behind the management of this account to the German news agency (dpa), and added, “It may be Dogs are man’s best friend, but it’s cats that get the most attention on online platforms, so I’m not surprised by the popularity of Larry’s account, and it turns out that cat pictures and politics are an impressive combination.”

Comments written on Larry’s account tend to criticize the British prime minister, or provide a humorous look at the issues of the day, and put statements issued by the Prime Minister alongside Larry’s photos and movements.

And what is published on the account suggests that Larry is not a real fan of the prime ministers with whom he shares residence in the building.

As the person responsible for managing Larry’s account on Twitter, told dpa, “Larry lived with three prime ministers and all of them had mistakes, but Boris Johnson was always destined to fail in his assigned role, due to flaws in his character.

He added that the future would not necessarily be brighter, as “cats are by nature always critical, but equally they will support those they like, and unfortunately it seems that the successor to Johnson is not likely to provide improvements,

However, the statistics show that the British deserve a good leader at some point.”

On the other hand, Truss sought to curry favor with Larry the cat, saying during a recent election campaign, “I am one of his favorite ministers.”

“One of the many reasons I wanted to be Prime Minister is that I want to build on that relationship with Larry,” she added.

15-year-old Larry the cat still appears to be in such good health that he could see another head of the British government, with a general election due in two years.

The person who manages Larry’s account said that the leader of the Labor opposition, Keir Stammer, has good chances to win the upcoming elections, and added that this does not mean that the cat will become an admirer of the Labor leader if he becomes prime minister.
However, if Larry passes away, his account will cease to exist as well.

Larry the cat currently has a lot of work to do inside the Government House, where the Government House suffers from an increase in the number of mice, like many homes in the capital London, and given the severity of the problem, it may require the use of more cats.

A post about Larry the cat, the “first mouse hunter”, posted on the government’s website, explains that officials are monitoring the situation of the rat population.

She resides inside Government House, where Larry says on his account that this solution is still in the tactical planning stage.”


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